We had a good weekend at Lake Conroe. Nice and peaceful. Except....When we go there and found out our "brand new room", Studio accommodations was more like an efficiency apartment. Really, more like a hotel room with a reallllllyyy dinky kitchen! And, no cable because of Ike. First thing we did was complain. They promised that they would check on Saturday morning to get us into something else but, they were booked!!! There wasn't a grill so all the food I brought to cook for dinner was out...so, let's eat breakfast! That'll work! WRONG! I started the oven to bake biscuits and started frying up bacon and guess what? The smoke alarm (IN THE KITCHEN NO LESS) went off. I flew to the phone and called again...this time had to leave a message! Billy managed to yank the beeping blanker off the wall and stop it. I was fit to be tied! Then, we settled down to eat our dinner and watch our DVD's that we got for free since there was no cable. Watched Larry & Something with Adam Sandler...you know, the one where they act like a gay couple? It was OK...Then was kept up off and on all night because the folks in the next room watched television until 3AM. It all ended well because we got the kind of room we expected and had a grill and didn't have to listen to the neighbors television and got to watch television and even got to watch all the Texas vs OU game!! Hook 'em!!!!
We found the DoodleBug Train in Montgomery Heritage Park!!! I never even knew she worked for the railroad! That dog was full of secret! And we rode the wagon with Mollie and Willie as the pullers!

Here are a few of the sights we saw along the way!
We went to a nursery that I wish was here!

Great blog! Please check out mine and click around. THANKS!
Beautiful Photos! hey...thanks so much for coming to my blog and reading along. Hello from Nebr!! lol
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